
When the connection has been established and the encryption key has been set it’s a simple matter of going to the Run tab and press ‘Run’.


When running the Scheduler will run a simple loop every 6 seconds:

  1. Check heartbeats of running processes.
  2. Check if any triggers in the database should run.
  3. Clean up unused Git folders.
  4. Repeat.

When you want the Scheduler loop to stop press ‘Pause’. The Scheduler will continue to check the heartbeats of running processes but it will no longer check the triggers in the database. Do not close the scheduler before all processes are done running. If you do the processes will not be marked as “Done” in the database.

If the Scheduler loses the connection to the database it will try to reconnect when possible. If the connection is somehow lost permanently any running processes will continue running, but will not be marked as “Done” or “Failed” when they are done running.